"Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in Heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few." Ecclesiastes 5:2
Yesterday afternoon I found myself uttering a prayer to God that was "quick," "hasty," and frankly a wee bit bossy. I expressed my opinion to Him about how I thought something should go...and immediately I felt a spiritual slap on my hand. My prayer quickly changed to one word. "REIGN." That was all that was needed. The significance of that one word resounded in my mind, heart and spirit. My mind raced over all the other pressing requests on my prayer list. That one word sufficed for them all.
AMEN! Profound and to the point. And isn't that what we want anyway?
Love you Sis
Simple....short...perfect. :)
HOw true, KRisti! Reign, LORD. Reign over us & all the messy details of our lives.
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