To be honest, I've often approached that verse with a bit of skepticism.
I guess it's the "always," "continually," and "in all circumstances" that throws me.
So it's had a bit of a negative slant for me.
Or maybe it's just the ideals that seemed impossible for me to maintain.
But today I'm looking at it from a new perspective.
Focusing on the "give thanks" part. Thinking I don't do that enough. With people. And with God.
Like with Thank You notes. Let's face it. It seems they've become a thing of the past. And I fail at that very thing quite often. In these days of hectic schedules and technology, notes that travel by the postal service are almost extinct. That's a little sad. Who doesn't like receiving something in their mailbox that isn't a bill or junkmail??? I know I do!
And who doesn't like for their kindness or act of service to be appreciated? Again, I do!
Yes, people like to be thanked.
And we should thank them...with words, a note, sometimes even a gift.
And God. Oh my. We should live lives of gratitude toward Him. Whispering thanks throughout the day. Always. Continually. And yes, in all circumstances. Thankful that we can trust Him. Giving thanks for the magnitude of His love for us. How He protects and provides. How He never leaves us or forsakes us.
How about you? What are you thankful for today?
Thank YOU for stopping by! (Enjoy a little chocolate with that!)
Well said Kristi,
I totally relate with the "always" and "continually." You've encouraged me to send a card this week and also to be thankful for the things that may seem little, yet significant (like the ability to go to the store and actually buy groceries, although I dislike this chore, I need to express gratitude that we live in a culture that has things readily available) And, this morning I am thanking God for the beautiful birds that sing! :)
Bless you Kristi,
Love, Hester ;)
I'm thankful that he is not finished with me!
I'm thankful that he is not finished with me!
Thank you, Hester, for your kind words. Yes, I'm trying to focus on the laundry folding, the cooking, and so on...thanking Him for His great provision of clothing and food. It totally shifts my focus. Thanks for stopping by!
And Gloria, oh girl, He isn't finished with either of us!! He who began a great work will be faithful to complete it!!
I love cards PERIOD. They really brighten your day! (I just finished the TY notes from my surprise 50th bday party. I have writer's cramp, but it's all good!)
Hi Kristi!!! I nominated you for the Sunshine Bloggers Award!!! You can find out all the info here!
Gratitude... It serves so many wonderful purposes and is a true elixir to the soul! I love that you are on a thank you note campaign. I love getting hand-written notes (heck, I'll even settle for personalized typed letters!) in the mail. I have a box of letters from my grandmother...from my college and early marriage years. I treasure them. It's amazing how they have a life of their own. Emails go poof, and are soon oft forgotten. Thanks for the challenge today!
Susan, I'm so proud of you!! I think that calls for a Frappachino or a Krispy Kreme doughnut!!
Sandi, wow! I am honored!! I'm going to check that out!! You are a ray of sunshine to me!!
And Jeannette, yes, there's nothing like a handwritten note. I have special ones boxed as well. Such a treasure!!
Blessings and love to you all!!
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