Saturday, September 24, 2011

History Repeats Itself

"The man said, 'The woman you put here with me-she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.'"  Genesis 3:12 (NIV)

Okay, so the history might have been slightly altered.

What was consumed was not quite the wholesome, albeit forbidden, fruit from the Garden of Eden.

The consequences of the ingesting were not as dire by any means.

But "the woman" still got blamed.

What's a girl to do when she passes a Krispy Kreme with the HOT DOUGHNUTS NOW sign on?

Yes, I was the one who, just hours earlier, had encouraged the man to just stick with the yummy soup and stay away from the Fettuccine Alfredo.  He ordered it anyway.

And then that neon sign screamed out to me!  In a moment of weakness, my exclamation and recitation of the sign's orange words prompted him to slam on the brakes and take the sharp right turn. Before we knew it, we were in the drive-thru ordering a hot doughnut for each of us.  And I must confess, I even said, "Do you think we should get 2 a piece?"  Fortunately, the man was strong.

Guilt overcame me before the last bite was eaten and my fingers were licked.  I apologized.

As if I needed a reminder or a reason to be shrouded with the shame, this morning the man said, "Why did you make me eat that doughnut last night?"  Then he chuckled.  He's really a good guy...and one who went to the gym after the sinful incident to work it off.'s a word to you girls out there.  Since the beginning of time, we women have had great power to influence.  Seriously.  Eve's not the only one to use her womanly prowess.  And too many times the consequences have been undesirable.  Think Sarai suggesting that Abram sleep with her maidservant.  What was she thinking???  Even our generation suffers the repercussions of decisions made. 

We need to consider that power.  We need to pray for God to guide our influence.  To equip us with restraint.  To give us patience.  To trust Him and His plan.  May we be the makers of future history, obeying God, resisting the enemy, and urging our men to do what's right.

Lord, thank You for the intricacies of Your creation.  Thank You for the trust that You've given us as women to influence.  Lord, fill us up with Your wisdom so that the power will be wielded wisely.  Thank You for giving us freedom in choices, so that we learn and grow.  Thank You for forgiveness when we stray off-course.  Guide us, Lord.  Help us follow Your Way.


Kathy said...

absolutely love it!!! But WHY is it the skinniest people are the ones who worry about eating a KK donut??

Kristi Butler said...

Kathy, you make me laugh. And I guess you haven't seen me lately. I need to steer clear of the donuts! So does "the man." :)

Praying for you and your family!

Bonnie said...

Kristi - you continue to inspire me! I love your blog. My only don't post enough :) I am still on a high from the Everlasting Portion retreat with FBCM. Hope you have a great weekend!!

Kristi Butler said...

Bonnie,you are so sweet!!

I hope to boost the number of posts. Pray for me. :)

It was such precious time at the Everlasting Portion retreat! I loved every minute!

Elizabeth Welsh said...


So insightful, as well as convicting. But that's what friends are for, right? I'm so glad to have met you at the retreat. Loved your devotion.
