Monday, July 30, 2012

Monday Meditation~Worth the Wait

"But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently." Romans 8:25 (NIV)


It's just not easy.

And not very much fun.

Patience is not our forte. And we know better than to pray for it.

We are a fast food, quick fix, instant gratification generation.

But waiting is a fact of life.

And it has been since the beginning of time...well since just after the beginning of time.

Think back to Noah...waiting for the flood...then for the waters to recede so that he could get off that boat! Yes, he, Mrs. Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, and their wives endured the travails. In faith.

Then there was Abraham...waiting for the descendant from whom generations would come and be blessed. Sarah, by his side, laughing part of the way. But pressing on. In faith.

We come from a long line of waiters...faithful ones...not perfect, but persistent...Moses, Joseph, Job (renowned for his patience), David, the list goes on and on. So many who waited. For God's will. For God's way.

We must follow in their footsteps. Trusting the One Who knows us, Who knows our circumstances, and Who knows the outcome. He has proven Himself faithful time and time again.

Because of faith, we can believe that it will be worth the wait.

Lord, thank You for Your Word that gives testimony of Your faithfulness throughout the generations. Thank You for Your sovereignty. Thank You for Your wisdom. Thank You for Your love that knows no bounds.Father help us to trust You as we wait, knowing that You work all things for our good.


Susan said...

Love this reminder, Kristi. I look just like the gal in your post: arms folded, foot tapping, eyes rolling... When God looks down at that, He sees a brat. Ouch.

PTL for grace and strength to be joyful & confident in the wait :) Love you!!

Kristi Butler said...

I try not to be that brat...trusting Him and His perfect timing. He is faithful.

Love you!!

Can't wait till I'm in Charlotte for your IKEA and Trader Joe's runs!!

Unknown said...

Waiting and patience seem so unnatural to me, but I know God wants me to grow in this area. Thanks for the reminder. Blessings!

Thank you for linking up at NOBH. It's so rewarding to read your posts.

Kristi Butler said...

Lynda, thanks so much for visiting!! I am enjoying the other posts at NOBH!! Thanks for the opportunity!