Monday, September 10, 2012

Monday Meditation~Shaken

"'Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,' says the LORD, who has compassion on you." Isaiah 54:10 (NIV)

She was shaken.


Stumbling and disoriented.

Struggling to find her way to safety.

We think she did.

My youngest daughter and I were riding along in early morning traffic, enjoying the last days of summer beauty and sharing our excitement about fall's imminence.

I said, "Oh look, there is a fawn!" It ambled along, grazing in the grassy field near the roadway.

My daughter exclaimed, "Look! There's another one!"

Unfortunately, it had ventured into traffic and was bumped by a vehicle. Yes, the wind seemed to have been knocked from the little one as she tumbled and scrambled to make her way across. And she did.

I couldn't help but think how often life can be like that.

We mosey along, enjoying the scenery and then WHAM, out of nowhere something happens to shake our very being and leave us clambering to regain our footing.

It's at that point that all we can do is trust.

Trust that it didn't catch God off guard. Trust that He is in control. Trust that He will equip us with strength. Trust in His unfailing love.

We cling to the hope that "The Sovereign LORD is [our] strength; He makes [our] feet like the feet of a deer, He enables [us] to go on the heights." (Habakkuk 3:19) And to rely on Him in the depths. We must believe that He alone can be our Source of peace.


Hester's Heart said...

Great application to a life lesson Kristi - don't you love how God brings these moments to us to teach us His truth.

Thank you for the reminder to Trust - very foundational to our faith.

Love to you, Hester ;)

Vonda Skelton said...

How well I know that feeling from a couple of months ago! But praise God, He heals and restores our strength.

Thanks for sharing it!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you and your youngest didn't see the fawn getting killed! And yes, I feel that way many times. The summer has times where I felt run over by despair, thank you Jesus for refreshing and being my true portion! <3

Kristi Butler said...

Hester, Vonda, and Cindy, we all face those times when we are shaken to our core. What a blessing to know the Savior and be able to rest in confidence that He goes before us and comes behind us and hems us in.

Praying for each of you!