Friday, October 7, 2011

What Is Holding You Back?

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.  O LORD, save us; O LORD, grant us success.  Blessed is he who comes in the name of the LORD.  Psalm 118:24-26

Is there something that you know you need to be doing?  What is it that is holding you back?

I'll just fess up and admit that the thing at the forefront of my mind this morning is the need for exercise.  For my health and appearance, I need to pull on my sneakers and head out the door.  Which I plan to do as soon as I finish this post.  However, my plan is often thwarted because I hear voices in my head that taunt, "Why even try?  You know you won't be consistent. Sure, it's a beautiful fall day today, but winter is coming.  Cold weather will be a hindrance."  I'm fighting back.  Today.  I have to remember those words that I learned as a child, "If you try and don't succeed, try, try again."

What is is for you?

Last weekend some amazing new friends and I soaked in outstanding teaching by Edie Melson and Vonda Skelton at the NCompass Writing Retreat.  Those in attendance came from a broad spectrum of writing experience and as travelers on the journey in response to God's call.  We packed our bags of writer's clothes, our dreams, and headed off to the beauty of Lake Keowee, SC.  Unfortunately, insecurity and fear snuck into our luggage as well.  Yet, we braved new territory...with the prayer, encouragement, and tutoring  of our new sojourners.  For some of us, we forged ahead (with a little trembling) into the worlds of Facebook and Twitter.  For others, it was jumping headfirst into the blogosphere.  And steps were even taken that will lead to publication of articles and books!

I feel pretty comfortable surmising that most of us returned home and felt at least a twinge of doubt and uncertainty that we were up to the task we embraced just days earlier.

Hindrance to do something is absolutely not limited to those in the writing world.

Your "thing" might be pursuing a new career, starting a diet, joining a Bible study, committing to daily Quiet Time, entering into a relationship, committing to an existing relationship, forgiving someone, or following a call that you know God has placed on your life.

What is it for you?

As I head to my Reeboks, I'm thinking the Nike slogan of "Just Do It"!

We are not alone or incapable.  As we are promised in 1 Thessalonians 5:24, The One who calls you is faithful and He will do it.  He's got the power!  Let's embrace it!

Lord Jesus, thank You for Your unfathomable love.  Thank You for Your desire to use us to further Your kingdom.  Thank You for the call that You've placed on our lives.  Help us to trust in You for all that concerns us.  Help us to yield and obey whatever You command.  We love you!


Susan said...

SUCH a great weekend, and I pray that everyone will incorporate one or two things, and be faithful with THOSE.

In the words of John Ortberg, If you want to walk on water, you have to get out of the boat.
I'm ready to GO!

Kristi Butler said...

Thanks for stopping by, my friend! So glad that God brought us together!!