Friday, October 14, 2011

Finding Balance

You shall have no other gods before me.  Exodus 20:3 (NIV)

I stood firm for years.  Barely even tempted.

Then they said I had to try it.

My friends.  My "tribe."  My Christian writer girlfriends.

I gave in.  And not just a little.  I jumped in with both feet.

And then it happened. 

I was hooked.

I didn't know it could take hold that fast.


Actually, that was one of the reasons I resisted for so long.  I knew it would be fun...and time consuming.  I had enough trouble keeping up with my email and trying to be somewhat consistent on my blog.   And oh my.  It was true.  I can't help being seduced by that tab before me everytime I get online.  In the two short weeks since I joined, I discovered that I need to use some self-control.  I've got to find a balance.

I love the "fellowship" right there at my fingertips...with pictures and everything!  I can feel like I'm near my  Jesus girls that live far from me.  And what a blessing that we can encourage each other...lots of each others with a few clicks on the keyboard.

However, I can get so easily distracted and curious and end up spending hours just browsing.  Fun, but the best use of my time?

My friend, Edie Melson, who lead the rally to get me hooked up with Facebook (and Twitter, this non-techie girl is struggling to figure out) shared her daily schedule with us at the NCompass retreat.  She said that she spends, if I recall correctly, only 30 minutes or so managing her social networking each morning.  That girl has some self-discipline!  (That is her time before her work day begins.  She does check back in and out at scheduled intervals...and in her evening leisure.)

And I'm hoping to find self-discipline too.  With God's help.  He commands me not to have any gods before Him.  Sadly, while waiting on my coffee to brew, I find myself tempted to venture into the cyberworld.  Before my time with Him.  I'm feeling conviction on that.

I want Him to be first.  I desire Him to be the One in whom I live and move and have my being. (Acts 18:28)...not social media.  I want His Spirit dwelling in me so that His fruit of self-control is present and active.

Yes, I'll see you on Facebook...and someday possibly become a proficient "tweeter," but I'm going to have my quiet time first.

Father God, please be LORD over our lives.  Help us to abide in You and allow Your Word to abide in us so closely that our lives are controlled by You.  Thank You for creating minds that devise the technology at our fingertips.  Lord, reign in that technology that it may be used for good and not for evil.  Thank You for "friends" that have easy access to share our joys and even sorrows, our ministries, and encouragement in the cyberworld.  Please help us not to forsake the actual gathering together face to face, hand in hand, heart to heart in communion with one another.  Lord, help us to find balance in our lives that honors You.  We love You!


Susan said...

AMEN to that, sweet friend!! True confession time: I'm convicted about checking my Blackberry before I open my Bible...

A GOOD WORD to start the morning!

Kristi Butler said...

As iron sharpens iron....

Love you my friend!

Big hugs back at ya!

360Modality said...

Amen Kristi.
Convicted here!
I am joining with you in prayer.

MyAwesomeOliveShoots said...

Such an honest post that I can completely understand. I have to turn the sound off my computer when I'm doing my Quiet Time because I hear "that" sound and suddenly I'm compelled to check what just arrived in my "in box." I appreciated what you said and yes, I'm convicted but I love your voice in this as it doesn't sound condemning and I know the Lord is using you in my life whether we are in person together or online. I think you're fabulous!

Kristi Butler said...

I'm so thankful that God brought you girls into my life!